Prepared Speeches
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Prepared Speaker
As a Prepared Speaker, you deliver a speech according to the specific objectives of a project.



Before the meeting...

Be prepared. Club members have set aside time to come to the meeting and listen to your speech in a supportive and evaluative manner. If you come with a shabbily prepared speech, you are indirectly showing disrespect for your audience.
Find out the name of your Evaluator from the Vice President of Education. Contact your Evaluator to discuss the evaluation. Mention which particular areas you are trying to improve.
Arrange for any special equipment such as overhead projectors or flip charts.
Prepare a written introduction of yourself to give the Toastmaster.

At the meeting...

Ensure any necessary equipment is set-up and operational. Arrange your props before the meeting or during the intermission.
Give the manual to your evaluator for his/her written comments.
Give your written introduction to the Toastmaster along with the title of speech.
If you need any tables moved, etc., ask another member to do this for you immediately before beginning your speech.
Remember to ask the Vice President, Education to sign your manual.
Place your notes on or near lectern beforehand. It creates a better impression if you walk up to lectern without anything in your hands.
Remember to put away your props, etc.