Award & Recognition
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This are positive and encouraging. Positive reinforcement is important in helping members increase their self-confidence and self-esteen

From the formal speeches presented, the best speaker is chosen.
Points considered include:
Did the speaker accomplish the educational purpose of the speech?
Did the speaker clearly communicate this purpose to the audience?
Did the speech have meaning or relevance to the audience?

Best Table Topic
This award is given for the most outstanding table topic presentation of the morning.
Consideration is given to:
Speaking on the assigned topic.
Speaking clearly and effectively, for the allotted time.
Utilizing the word of the week effectively.

Best Evaluator
This award is presented to the evaluator who does the best job of constructively criticizing the speaker.
Points for Consideration: 
Avoidance of platitudes.
Criticism that was valid and to the point.
Identification of positive points.
Suggestions of alternative methods, which utilize the speaker's strengths.
An evaluation that will help the speaker present a better speech next time.