Toastmasters Educational Program
When you join Toastmasters, you will receive a variety of manuals and resources on speaking. You also have access to other
books as well as audio and video cassettes on speaking and leading. In addition, as a member, you receive the award-winning
monthy magazine The Toastmaster, that offers the latest insights on speaking and leadership techniques.
Leadership cannot be learned in a day. It takes practice. As a member of Toastmasters, you will build leadership skills
by organizing and conducting meetings and motivating others to participate. Club leadership roles and a leadership development
program also offer opportunities to learn and practice. Just as you will learn to speak simply by speaking, you will learn
leadership through hands-on experience -- not in a classroom.
Toastmasters provides the tools that enable you to become an effective communicator and leader. Toastmasters training helps
- give better sales presentations
- hone your management skills
- work better with fellow employees
- effectively develop and present ideas
- offer constructive criticism
- accept criticism more objectively
Toastmasters produces results. Around the world more than three million men and women of all ages and occupations have
benefited from Toastmasters training, and more than one thousand corporations, community groups, universities, associations,
and government agencies now use Toastmasters training.
The educational program is the heart of being a member of Toastmasters. It is the means through which you develop your
communication and leadership skills and achieve your goal of becoming a better communicator.
The Toastmasters educational program consists of two tracks -- a communication track and a leadership track. The communication
track focuses on speaking and listening skill. The leadership track focuses on organizational and leadership skills. Members
are encouraged to work in both tracks at the same time. Upon completion of each award, members receive a certificate and a
letter to their employer.
Competent Toastmaster (CTM)
Advanced Toastmaster Bronze (ATM-B)
Advanced Toastmaster Silver (ATM-S)
Achieved new Advanced Toastmaster Bronze award or achieved current ATM award
Completed two additional advanced manuals (may not be those completed for the new ATM Bronze award or current ATM award).
Conducted any two programs from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series
Advanced Toastmaster Gold (ATM-G)
Achieved new Advanced Toastmaster Silver award or achieved current ATM Bronze award
Completed two additional advanced manuals (may not be those completed for the new ATM Bronze and Silver awards)
Conducted a registered Success/Leadership Program or Success/Communication Program (Success/Leadership or Success/Communication
programs may not be those completed for current ATM Bronze award) or a registered Youth Leadership Program
Coached a new member with the first three speech projects
Competent Leader (CL)
Achieved Competent Toastmaster award (CTM)
Served at least six months as a Club officer (President, Vice President Education, Vice President Membership, Vice President
Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer or Sergeant-at-Arms) and participated in the preparation of a Club Success Plan.
While a Club officer, participated in a District-sponsored Club officer training program
Conducted any two programs from The Successful Club Series
Advanced Leader (AL)
Achieved Competent Leader award
Served a complete term as a District Officer (District Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Public Relations Officer, Secretary,
Treasurer, Division Governor or Area Governor)
Completed the High Performance Leadership program
Served successfully as a Club Sponsor, Mentor or Specialist
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)
Distinguished Toastmaster is the highest recognition a member may receive